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How the Pastor's Task Has Expanded
From shepherd to manager and missionary
Leading with Love
The secret to Billy Graham's remarkable ministry to the world.
Molten Moments
From the editor
You Gotta Be There
What Special Forces chaplains have learned about the ministry of presence.
Sex Talk and God Talk
Some people have an easier time talking about sex than about God.
Dave Ramsey's Momentum Theorum
What focus and intensity and time and God can produce.
Words Incarnate
Finding Jesus in our unique corner of the world.
Elder/Deacon Orientation Guide
In "Elder/Deacon," you'll find articles that will help elders and deacons understand their roles and learn some essential principles.
Counseling Church Members
How can you become an effective counselor or train others to counsel in your church? These practical and succinct handouts help both pastors and lay counselors develop a Christ-centered ministry and increase the client's dependence on God. You'll learn when and when not to intervene in situations and be given tips for both short- and long-term care.
Our Best on the Pastor’s Role
10 tools to clarify who you are and what you do as a pastor.
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